Its Us
Not a day of mine stood as mine.
I fall into the
pits of darkness
May be alone with
my love
Away from the
No more in the
warmth of unknown buddies
May be safer and the
I find ways to
build my own world
The darkness,
creating a whole new world of mine.
The darkness
shedding off,
Out of every
achievement I made.
And turns on the light
Every step I moved
The pebbles of
Pinch in my foot.
I see the wanders
walk like me,
Reflecting on the
deeds, I do.
Maybe applauding
in silence,
To let us keep
growing bigger.
Not a day of mine
stood as mine.
It’s we that are
trying to make a day together.
The world we are
living in
And the world we
are making for us to live
Are trying to sync
to see us happy together
Is not making a day of mine anymore.
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