Time Utility

 Generally, the term time utility is used under the concept of marketing. It defines the delivery of a product or a service to a consumer or a customer at the right time irrespective of any other variation or parameters. In our daily living, time utility can be defined as completing a task or work within a reasonable period of time in such a way that it gives some valuable return.

Time is additive. The more you breathe the more time you add to your pages. You are destined with your own thought process to make use of time. The fruit of living exists in how wisely you make use of your time. What does it mean by being wise? I can narrate a story to make you clear about it.

There is a retail shop owner who sells groceries and runs a happy family. There is a doctor who works 10 hours and spent the rest of his time on research to invent medicine for cure. Who is wiser? The doctor! Or the retail shop owner! The retail shop owner is happy with his sufficient profits to run his family and lead a comfortable life. The doctor is serving as a professional and exploring his knowledge for the welfare of society. Both are wiser in their point of view. Both are utilizing their time wisely at their best.

Wisdom Is an independent term. An individual utilizes his time at his level of capabilities. When an individual utilizes them at full, then we can take his efforts into consideration as the wise utility of time.

Time can be deductive. When you commit severe mistakes, lacking proper guidance. Having a reckless lifestyle. The circumference of a clock teaches us to stay within our limits. Time keeps running, either we run or stop running with time. It’s wise to create neutral time utility rather than being deductive or additive. This state of utility delivers daily needs. This can be called a zero zone. The more alert you create the less risk you fall in. The more efforts you put the more success you earn.


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